What’s the difference between Surfinia and petunia?

The Surfinia petunias were the first trailing petunias. All Surfinias are petunias but not all petunias are Surfinias. These were introduced twenty plus years ago in the 1990’s and have become a must have summer basket plant as the plants are branched with a trailing habit and flower abundantly all summer.

Do Surfinias like full sun?

Plant Surfinias in full sun areas or in part shade. 6 hours of sun is preferred. Surfinias prefer well-drained organic soils. Avoid wet, soggy, shady areas.

What’s the difference between Surfinia and petunia? – Related Questions

Do Surfinia need to be deadheaded?

Surfinia® Petunia is a low maintenance plant that does not require deadheading.

How many Surfinias are in a hanging basket?

For hanging baskets the general rule is to use one plant per inch of basket diameter – so 12 plants per 12 inch basket. You’ll only need 5 plants per 12 inch hanging basket for bigger plants like Geraniums (Pelargoniums), Surfinia Petunias, culinary herbs and Fuchsias.

Do you pinch out Surfinias?

Surfinia will require pinching to encourage the right habit and breaks to get a bushy and spreading plant. This should be carried out two weeks after potting.

Which petunias are best for hanging baskets?

Spreading petunias possess excellent heat and drought tolerance and require little maintenance. They are excellent choices for containers (hanging baskets, window boxes, etc.) and as annual groundcovers. Spreading petunias include those in the Wave, Shock Wave, Easy Wave, and Avalanche Series.

Can you overwater petunias in hanging baskets?

Petunias are subject to root and crown rot, a result of uneven watering. “Like pansies,” she says, “petunias must never be allowed to wilt, either from under- or overwatering. Once they wilt, it’s all over.” She advises providing good soil conditions, including preparation with organic materials and ample mulching.

Should you pull the dead blooms off of petunias?

You should deadhead petunias because it encourages them to bloom more vigorously. After the blossoms become brown and dried up, the plant uses its energy to produce seeds. When you remove the dead blooms and seed pods, the plant will be able to use that energy to produce more flowers instead.

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Should I water petunias every day?

Petunias are fairly heat tolerant, so you shouldn’t have to worry about watering them frequently. A thorough watering once a week should be sufficient (unless there are prolonged periods of drought in your area). Avoid watering shallowly, as this encourages shallow roots.

How long do petunias last in pots?

Typically, petunias only last one gardening season. However, if you live in a frost-free zone (10-11), you may be able to keep your petunias growing for 2 or 3 years.

Are petunias better in pots or in the ground?

Petunias are adaptable plants that can thrive in the ground or planters. Their relatively easy care requirements and abundant flowers make Petunias a very popular choice for containers and hanging baskets. These stunners will bloom from the spring through the fall and add greenery and blooms to porches and patios.

How do you keep petunias bushy?

Do petunias need deep pots?

Do petunias prefer morning or afternoon sun?

If early morning sun greets your petunias for a few hours and then again re-visits them for a few hours in the late afternoon, the plants will do well. Partial sunlight is defined as four to six hours of direct sunlight.

How do I keep my petunias from getting leggy?

Have you ever asked yourself, “How do I make my petunias fuller?” Preventing leggy petunias requires that you cut back the branches by one quarter or one half on a regular basis. This may be hard to do, as your petunia plant may be in full bloom when you do this. You can cut back all the branches at once.

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Should I pinch out the tops of petunias?

Pinch out the growing tips of your plants during the early stages of growth, and do this two or three times before planting out to encourage side shooting. This will lead to much more compact plants with many more flowers. By mid-August, some petunia varieties may start to look a little tired and straggly.

Should you cut back petunias when they get leggy?

Petunias don’t benefit from a hard pruning, so be sure to have a light touch as your prune, only removing long stems—especially the ones that are beginning to look leggy. Don’t prune back more than one-third of the plant’s stems.

What happens if you plant petunias too close together?

If you plant flowers too close together, the plants get stressed and are prone to diseases, Kole says. If air can’t properly circulate and the plants can’t dry out between waterings, fungus sets in. Roots can rot. And once plants are weakened from stress, insects move in.

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