What is Tuja Smaragd in English?

Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ is a white cedar which is often called ‘Emerald’ – in fact this is the meaning of the German word smaragd. It is named as such because of the colour of the lush, evergreen foliage.

How tall does Thuja Smaragd grow?

Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’

Small, narrow pyramidal growing conifer with a very dense crown. The height is 4 to 6 m and the width approx. 1.5 m.

Will Thuja Smaragd grow in shade?

Grow Thuja Smaragd “Emerald” in full sun. Although the plant can grow in partial shade, it is intolerant to full shade and will start turning brown, eventually dying due to lack of sunlight. Plant in well-drained soil and water the young plants deeply at planting.

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What is Tuja Smaragd in English? – Related Questions

Does Thuja stay green in winter?

Do Thuja Green Giants turn brown in winter? No. These evergreens stay green year-round, but do take on a deeper, bronzer hue in the winter.

How close can you plant a Thuja to fence?

If your screen or hedge is against a building, plant 6 feet from the wall, to protect the foundations. If you are planting against a fence, plant 3 feet from the fence so that the lower part of the plants remains bushy and the hedge remains on your side of the property line.

Which Thuja is best for shade?

According to Michael Dirr, Giant Arborvitae (Thuja plicata) may be more shade tolerant than Eastern or American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis). Arborvitae lose their dense habit if grown in full shade.

Which evergreen grows best in shade?

3 Evergreens For Shade
  • Yew. A very hardy evergreen choice for shaded areas is the yew.
  • Boxwood. A longtime favorite in landscapes, the boxwood was first brought to North America from Europe in the 1600s.
  • Hemlock.

What is the most shade tolerant arborvitae?

Arborvitae will tolerate light shade. Techny, Emerald, and Holmstrup are medium sized arborvitae that can be used for screening. Arrowwood viburnum, Cornelian cherry dogwood, and witchhazel are a few deciduous shrubs that can tolerate shade and provide screening and some seasonal interest.

Can emerald cedars grow in shade?

Emerald Cedar Arborvitae prefer full sun and tolerate part shade. However, for the healthiest foliage, plant them in full sun.

How far from fence to plant emerald cedar?

If you would like your Emerald Cedar to be a focal point in your landscape, choose a spot at least 4 feet from fences, walls, or other plants.

How do you take care of emerald cedars in the winter?

Make sure they get plenty of water in their first year of growth, right up to when the snow flies. A thick layer of mulch will help them to retain that moisture as well. Come winter time, protect them with a layer of burlap to protect them from heavy blankets of snow, which can bend or snap delicate branches.

Can cedars survive in pots?

Emerald cedars (Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’) can definitely be grown in containers. They are the perfect evergreen screen and are very easy to grow with little maintenance.

Can cedars survive winter in pots?

I suggest that you keep the tree in the container and move it to a sheltered, cool spot (e.g., the garage) over the winter. If the roots thaw out over the winter, water the tree every couple of weeks to ensure the roots stay hydrated. Plant it outdoors next May or June, or in the autumn.

Do cedars need to be covered in winter?

To protect trees from damage caused by snow and ice, wrapping cedars in burlap is a good idea for some cedar types. This is especially important on the sides of trees facing the most wind and sun exposure, meaning they’ll be hit hardest by winter storms.

How far away from a house should a cedar tree be?

Aside from spacing between each plant, plan to leave adequate spacing between certain features of your home and landscape. University of Tennessee Extension recommends leaving 12 feet of clear space around any door or service area. Leave 6 feet around areas you don’t need to access on a regular basis.

How long do cedars live for?

Native trees can grow to over 200 feet, although most cultivated trees remain around 60 to 80 feet tall and 8 to 12 feet wide. The trees can live from 500 to 1,000 years. California incense cedar grows best in full sun to partial shade.

Are cedar trees high maintenance?

Maintenance. A cedar hedge does not require much care. Planted in rich, well-drained soil and in full sun, cedars can live 60 to 80 years.

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