They perform best when planted in full sun (or at least in partial shade) and in fertile, well-drained soil. Dependent on the variety, plant around 5 to 10 feet apart for a gorgeous display. Plant Buddleia in Spring or in Autumn before the first frosts and water thoroughly after planting.
Should Buddleia be cut back every year?
Buddleja alternifolia should be pruned as it finishes flowering in midsummer. Cut back all the stems that have flowered to healthy buds, to produce flowering wood for the following season. Buddleja globosa should be pruned just to maintain a good shape or remove dead and damaged shoots.
Is buddleja poisonous?
Although butterfly bushes (Buddleja davidii) are not edible, they are no more toxic than any garden plant. They should be safe to plant where children, dogs, cats, and other animals live. In fact, butterfly bushes are deer resistant. They attract and feed nectar to hummingbirds and butterflies.
Is a Butterfly Bush the same as a Buddleia?
Buddleia davidii – or ‘butterfly bush’ – is great at attracting various insects to feed on its nectar. This is why it has been planted widely in wildlife-friendly gardens and other open spaces, after being introduced from China.
Where is the best place to plant a Buddleia? – Related Questions
Should I deadhead Buddleia?
Grow buddleia in moist but well-drained soil in full sun. Deadhead flowers to encourage more to form and cut back hard in late spring to prevent the shrub from becoming too big.
How long does a Buddleia live?
Buddleia davidii is not a long-lived species; a 20-year-old specimen is unusually old, and 10 years is a more typical lifespan.
What happens if I don’t cut back my buddleia?
Varieties of Buddleja davidii can become very tatty if not properly pruned. If you leave buddleja unpruned, the only thing you see at eye level is a twiggy tangle of bare stems, with the blooms held at the tips of the stems, way above head height. They will also grow very large.
Can I plant a buddleia near my house?
Buddleia can cause structural damage if it gets a foothold within pavements, chimneys and the smallest cracks and crevices of buildings. Once this happens, the roots of the Buddleia plant have the strength to force buildings apart, creating a gateway for water into the property.
Do Buddleia have deep roots?
Buddleia has deep roots and produces a lot of seeds, which allows it to spread and take over an area easily. Removed from its natural environment, the butterfly bush can become an aggressive invader. When planted in gardens or along roadsides, it can crowd out native vegetation and change the local ecosystem.
Is Buddleia invasive?
Buddleia (Buddleja davidii) is an invasive plant that is found throughout the United Kingdom, often seen growing alongside railway lines, urban wasteland and road verges. Buddleia is native to China and Japan and was introduced to the UK at the end of the 19th century as an ornamental garden plant.
Is a butterfly bush low maintenance?
The bushes require little attention, so even weekend gardeners can enjoy their lovely blooms and resident butterflies. Butterfly bush is very easy to grow in average, medium moisture, well-drained soil in a full sun location. If planting more then one, space them well apart—five to six feet.
Are butterfly bushes high maintenance?
These plants are very low maintenance once established and can handle periods of extreme heat in the summer and cold in the winter. These bushes can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 5-9. The bushes attract all types of helpful insects including bees, hummingbirds, wasps, and of course butterflies.
Do butterfly bushes look dead in the winter?
Butterfly Bush Winter Kill
Buddleia lose their leaves in fall in most areas. This is a common occurrence and may make it appear the plant is dead but new leaves will arrive in spring.
What is the best time of year to plant a butterfly bush?
Butterfly bush is best planted in the spring or fall. If planting in fall, make sure to get them in the ground well before first frost in order to develop a good root system before colder temperatures set in.
Do butterfly bushes attract mosquitoes?
The scientists chose the butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii) for their experiment because it’s a very hardy plant that flowers throughout the year, and mosquitoes are attracted to it.
Why is butterfly bush a problem?
Because butterfly bushes offer copious amounts of nectar, they become extremely attractive to pollinators, distracting them from other native co-flowering species, and reducing the native’s reproductive success which eventually also harms the native’s populations.
Do butterfly bushes spread?
Butterfly bush is an invasive plant, meaning it crowds out beneficial plants that have naturally grown in your community for centuries. This species originally from Asia readily takes over space where native North American plants would normally thrive.
What animals do butterfly bushes attract?
Butterfly bush attracts tiger swallowtails and monarchs. But this nectar plant attracts hummingbirds, too. The shrub also attracts the bees that pollinate other plants.
What are the cons of butterfly bush?
The cons: butterfly bush readily escapes cultivation and invades natural areas, crowding out native plants; what’s more, butterfly bush control is time-consuming and perhaps impossible in some cases.
What is the Buddleia controversy?
Buddleia, or butterfly bush – also known as “summer lilac,” suddenly has a bit of controversy surrounding this lovely shrub. The PC police believe that because buddleia is so attractive to pollinators it will distract them from native plants. (These same people would object to hummingbird feeders, I assume.)