When should I plant Thuja?

You can plant any time of the year, but the best time for planting a new tree is in spring, before it gets too hot, while still allowing a whole growing season before winter to establish a strong root system. Newly planted green Thujas will need plenty of water the first growing season to establish strong roots.

Will Thuja Smaragd grow in shade?

Grow Thuja Smaragd “Emerald” in full sun. Although the plant can grow in partial shade, it is intolerant to full shade and will start turning brown, eventually dying due to lack of sunlight. Plant in well-drained soil and water the young plants deeply at planting.

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How do you shape a Thuja plant?

Pruning thuja shrubs and thuja hedges

For hedges, select the pruning height you are comfortable with as well as the thickness. Prune your thuja preferably at the end of summer or at the beginning of spring. Feel free to prune severely because thuja tends to grow very, very fast.

When should I plant Thuja? – Related Questions

How close can you plant a Thuja to fence?

If your screen or hedge is against a building, plant 6 feet from the wall, to protect the foundations. If you are planting against a fence, plant 3 feet from the fence so that the lower part of the plants remains bushy and the hedge remains on your side of the property line.

How far apart should I plant Thuja?

As a general rule, smaller and shorter Thuja varieties can be spaced closer together than taller and more vigorous trees, such as the Green Giant. Shorter hedges, such as those that are 8-10 feet tall, should be planted about 3-4 feet apart. Larger trees such as The Thuja Green Giant should be planted 5-6 feet apart.

How do you keep thuja small?

Thuja trees are continually putting on new growth. To keep them from looking overgrown and help maintain their health, you may need to prune them back periodically. What is this? Trimming arborvitae annually or every two to three years, depending upon how manicured you want the tree’s form.

How do you keep Thuja Green Giant small?

They will need to be pruned each year after the annual growth hardens off. Start at the top reducing the height as much as possible, then prune the sides from the top down. Attempting to or keeping them approximately 1/4 their normal size will likely shorten their lives.

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Can thuja be topped?

Because arborvitaes grow continuously during the growing season, you can prune them at any time through mid-summer. Topping arborvitaes, however, negatively affects the trees’ growth and appearance and should be avoided.

Can thuja be kept small?

That said, you can technically trim a Thuja down to around 12 inches or so, though it isn’t recommended to go under 36 inches, so long as the hedge is 6 inches to 8 inches wide. It is suggested to remove no more than 12 inches or so at a time from Thuja Green Giants that are already short hedges.

Do thuja trees have invasive roots?

Thuja Green Giant roots are not known to be invasive or aggressive.

How long does thuja take to establish?

If you use good-sized plants that are already 5-6 feet tall, you will get even better results. Those plants have stronger roots and they will start growing even faster. So, if you add that 10 feet to the 5 you start with, and allow for the faster growth of older trees, your screen will be 15 feet tall in 5-6 years.

How do you take care of thuja in the winter?

The key is to provide enough moisture to the root system. In winter, this can be achieved by placing a layer of mulch mixture to protect the roots from drying out. In case your Thuja already has browning foliage, simply cut back the dead growth- and the foliage will regenerate in the spring.

Can I plant Thuja in the fall?

If planting your Green Giant Arborvitae wasn’t an option in the spring, fall is the next best season to do it. Young trees will get established easier when the weather is cool, rather than when it’s too hot or too cold. This makes spring and fall the most ideal times.

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What is the best fertilizer for Thuja trees?

To give your Thujas a boost as it grows, you can also add a well-balanced, slow release fertilizer (like formula 10-10-10 or 14-14-14) to the soil once or twice a year. If you choose to fertilize your Thujas, do so in the early spring (after the final frost of the season) and/or in the early fall.

Why is my Thuja turning brown?

The combination of wind, sun, freezing temperatures, and lack of available water in winter can cause arborvitae foliage (and the leaves of other evergreens, as well) to turn brown. This happens because they are drying out. Water is the lifeblood of foliage.

What kills thuja?

Pestalotiopsis (pronounced Pesta-low-she-opsis) is a common pathogen on coniferous trees and shrubs in landscape settings, causing shoot and branch dieback on numerous species and varieties of Thuja, Chamaecyparis, Cryptomeria and Juniperus.

Can brown thuja be saved?

Even with prevention, you still may notice arborvitae turning brown in your yard. If this happens, it’s best to wait until the next season to see if the branches recover and start growing greenery again. Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to encourage the plants to recover from browning.

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